General comments about the world today

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

You will not regret the couple of minutes you are taking from your day that it takes to appreciate the freedom this slide show portrays.

Congratulations to the creators of this fine piece.

Have your speakers on, and enjoy the presentation.


Monday, May 15, 2006


L.A. Today, the continent tommorow

This view was captured near downtown Los Angeles......

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Border patrol using secret weapon

The border patrol is now suspected of employing a new secret weapon, the border between the U.S. and mexico is now being turned into a large moat, where the Fla. Fish and Wildlife Commission will deploy the new secret weapon helping with the control that has been lost for some time. The estimated 12- 20 million illegals that are at present in the U.S. fear that this new secret weapon will be so successful that they will not attempt returning to mexico and are advising others to consider the dire consequences of attemp to enter.
The U.S. border patrol was not available for comment.
The 9-foot, 6-inch alligator was trapped just under the bridge where Yovy Suarez Jimenez, 28, was last seen, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokeswoman Dani Moschella said.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


where is the outrage?

By Frosty Wooldridge


As a teacher, I sat dumbfounded last May 16, 2005, when the Rocky

Mountain News inked a story, "What Happened?" to a stunned Denver,

Colorado audience. In a five year study starting in 1999 in Denver Public

Schools, 5,663 students started the eighth grade. Five years later, only 1,884

graduated from high school. That's a 65 percent drop out/flunk out rate!

That's pathetic, if not frightening.

What was the cause? First of all, 30,000 illegal aliens, speaking

40 different languages, attended Denver schools. Our classrooms suffered

thousands of kids functionally illiterate in English with parents functionally

illiterate in English and Spanish. The classrooms featured so much incompatible

diversity that it created horrific tension, stabbings and death

Thus, American kids suffered a profoundly dumbed-down educational process.

One in five teachers quit or transferred out of those Denver classrooms every nine

month cycle during those five yearsLast week, the Denver Post announced that 30

percent of teachers in Denver schools were not coming back next year. This is a

nationwide travesty. Why? As a teacher, I taught in the inner city in the 1970s. It's

exasperating beyond understanding to walk into a classroom where children suffer

learning disabilities, broken homes, teen pregnancies at 14, 15, 16, multiple languages

and violent confrontations with other ethnic groups. It's impossible to teach. I left my

idealism in the ghetto and escaped to a suburban school. But, today, teachers can't

escape because over 1.5 million illegal alien students with more than 100 languages

attend our kids' schools nationwide. We witness a national breakdown in education.

Last week, Superintendent Roy Romer of Los Angeles public schools resigned in

frustration and defeat. California schools match the violence of a war zone

Can you imagine such a failure rate across the country? Can you imagine the

consequences of an illiterate generation leading this Republic into the 21st century?

Folks, this country won't make it. Where is the outrage?

It takes four aspects for a free and democratic society to maintain itself. It requires a

highly educated population that can write, read, think and vote intelligently. It takes a

similar moral code whereby everyone adheres to the common good. It requires a similar

code of ethics whereby citizens adhere to honesty, doing what is right and maintaining

those ethics throughout the social fabric. Finally, it takes a similar language that allows

citizens to discuss, debate and resolve problems. We compromise all four with an

invasion exceeding four million new people into the USA annually? 20 million illegals

to date and climbing. We allow the disintegration of our nation without a whimper.

Where is the outrage?

Last Monday, February 20, 2006, the Rocky Mountain News reported, "Mile-High Drug

Hub" making Denver the leading center for drug distribution in the United States. It's

part of MS-13 Gang's dispersal of $128 billion in drugs crossing our border with

Mexico every year. Ironically, Congress guards South Korea's border with 37,000 troops with our billions in tax dollars, pats down gray-haired ladies at our airports,

spends $80 billion annually on the war on drugs, but leaves our border unguarded

allowing that $128 billion in drugs to cross year after year. Additionally, terrorists from

any country can walk over the Mexican border with a 99 percent chance of succeeding.

Where is the outrage?

With a growing illegal alien population exceeding 300,000 in Colorado, the state

House legislators on Wednesday of last week defeated six bills to stop illegal alien

migration. One particular bill, HB 1134, would have given cops the ability to arrest,

detain and deport illegals. It was soundly defeated after dozens of citizens, including

this Coloradan, testified to support the bill's passage.

I demanded, "We are tired of being collateral damage for illegal aliens. We're tired of

being raped, killed, robbed and our schools being trashed by multiple languages while

our medical systems take bette=r care of illegals than our own citizens."

Representative Francesca Natividad Coleman remarked that it was a Federal issue. I r

etorted, "We're the ones getting killed and raped here locally and we're tired of it." Last

year, three Coloradans were killed by illegals; Greeley, Colorado suffered 270 hit and

run car accidents alone; eight rapes by illegal aliens in Boulder and thousands of

robberies. Where is the outrage?

To top off the crisis in our Denver schools, the Rocky Mountain News reported the next

day, February 21, 2006, "Welfare Surges 45%" with an increase of 4,743 cases. They

said it was tough job hunting, but neglected to mention that 300,000 illegal aliens in

Colorado stole jobs from Coloradans in every sector: drywall, construction,

landscaping, fast food, house painting, janitorial, paving and dozens of other jobs

formerly worked by Coloradans. Where is the outrage?

Denver Mayor Hickenlooper hired illegal aliens long before he was mayor and one of

his illegal employees, Raul Gomez-Garcia, killed Denver police officer Don Young last

May. Hickenlooper stood in direct violation of federal laws and could have been fined

$2, 000.00 per illegal alien hired (estimated at 70 working in his restaurants) and he

could have gone to prison for five years. Governor Owens actually endorsed a booklet

showing illegal aliens how to imbed themselves in Colorado. He aided and abetted

illegal aliens, but didn't receive a slap on the wrist. Where is the outrage?

Since it's happening in my state with 300,000 illegal aliens, can you imagine what is

happening in California with three million? Or, North Carolina with one million? How

about Illinois with one million illegals? How about Texas with 1.5 million? I know

Texans pay over $4.1 billion annually for educating their massive load of student

illegals. Where is the outrage?

We're being colonized with over nine million illegal alien Mexicans crashing our

schools, medical systems, language, culture, parks, tax and welfare systems. One look at

the headlines of major newspapers across the country echoes and mirrors the Rocky

Mountain News. Where is the outrage?

It stupefies me beyond comprehension that Americans sit back and watch this invasion

of their country without any outrage. Worse, without any response! More than that--

without a concern for their own kids future! Even more horrific, the line of immigrants

from Mexico (and the world) shows no sign of stopping, as the number of Mexicans

grows from their current 106 million to 200 million in this century.

As I open this can of worms weekly; as I expose this accelerating national crisis weekly;

as you experience its quickening day by day? I would think the outrage would reach

fantastic levels.. But it is not! In fact, Bush, Congress and governors of all 50 states,

not only watch it happen, they actively aid and abet it. Arlan Specter of Pennsylvania

wants to add another one to two million legal immigrants annually. Senators John

McCain and Ted Kennedy want to give amnesty to 20 million illegals and add more in a

guest worker program. Utah's Chris Cannon welcomes millions of Mexicans as he

encourages their takeover of our country.. His sidekick Senator Orrin Hatch mirrors that

sentiment. Representative Joe Baca of California actively promotes the takeover of

California by Mexico as he endorses "Reconquista of Aztlan." As Mark Twain said,

"Suppose you were an idiot; and suppose you were a member of Congress; but then, I

repeat myself." Twain got it right, but where is the outrage?

While 85 to 95 percent of the American public wants our borders secured, they stand

around quietly sucking their thumbs while doing nothing. However, the outrage and

arrogance of millions of illegal alien imigrants in America advances like Paris, France's

recent experience with immigration? 10,000 fire bombed cars and a month-long

conflagration! We watched stupidly as if it won't happen to us. Think again!


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