General comments about the world today

Friday, May 23, 2014


Famous Presidential lies

GHW Bush:
GW Bush:

And the biggest one of all:
"I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Laura Hollis returned to her alma mater


WOW! A University of Notre Dame graduate, and after an illustrious career at a couple of other Midwestern universities, Laura Hollis returned to her alma mater to teach entrepreneurship and business law. She also writes an occasional column. This is one of her latest, about the Affordable Care Act, which has gone viral via the Internet. Her thoughts are challenging, regardless of one's political persuasion.

Laura Hollis is an attorney and teaches entrepreneurship and business law at the University of Notre Dame .
She resides in Indiana with her husband and two children.


The unveiling of the dictatorial debacle that is Obamacare absolutely flabbergasts me. It is stunning on so many levels, but the most shocking aspect of it for me is watching millions of free Americans stand idly by while this man, his minions in Congress and his cheerleaders in the press systematically dismantle our Constitution, steal our money, and crush our freedoms.

The President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (with no small help from Justice John Roberts) take away our health care, and we allow it. They take away our insurance, and we allow it. They take away our doctors, and we allow it. They charge us thousands of dollars more a year, and we allow it. They make legal products illegal, and we allow it. They cripple our businesses, and we allow it. They announce by fiat that we must ignore our most deeply held beliefs - and we allow it.

Where is your spine, America ?

Yes, I know people are complaining. I read the news on the internet. I read blogs. I have a Twitter feed. So what? People in the Soviet Union complained. People in Cuba complain. People in China complain (quietly). Complaining isn't the same thing as doing anything about it. In fact, much of the complaining that we hear sounds like resignation: Wow. This sucks. Oh well, this is the way things are. Too bad.

Perhaps you need reminding of a few important facts. Here goes:

1.. The President is not a king. Barack Obama does not behave like a President, an elected official, someone who realizes that he works for us. He behaves like a king, a dictator - someone who believes that his own pronouncements have the force of law, and who thinks he can dispense with the law's enforcement when he deigns to do so. And those of us who object? How dare we? Racists!

And while he moves steadily "forward" with his plans to "fundamentally transform" the greatest country in human history, he distracts people with cheap, meaningless trivialities, like "free birth control pills"! (In fact, let's face it: this administration's odd obsession with sex in general -- Birth control! Abortion! Sterilization! Gay guys who play basketball! -- is just plain weird. Since when did the leader of the free world care so much about how people have sex, who they have it with, and what meds they use when they have it? Does he have nothing more important to concern himself with?)

2.. It isn't just a failed software program; it is a failed philosophy. People are marveling that Healthcare.gov was such a spectacular failure. Well, if one is only interested in it as a product launch, I've explained some of the reasons for that here. But the larger point is that it isn't a software failure, or even a product failure; it is a philosophy failure.

I have said this before: Obama is not a centrist; he is a central planner. And this - all of it: the disastrous computer program, the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted, the lies, the manipulation of public opinion, the theft of the public's money and property, and freedom (read insurance, and premiums, and doctors) -- IS what central planning looks like.

The central premise of central planning is that a handful of wunderkinds with your best interests at heart (yeah, right) know better than you what's good for you. The failure of such a premise and the misery it causes have been clear from the dawn of humanity. Kings and congressmen, dictators and Dear Leaders, potentates, princes and presidents can all fall prey to the same imperial impulses: "we know what is good for 'the people'." And they are always wrong.

There is a reason that the only times communism has really been tried have been after wars, revolutions, or coups d'état. You have to have complete chaos for people to be willing to accept the garbage that centralized planning produces. Take the Soviet Union , for example. After two wars, famine, and the collapse of the Romanov dynasty, why wouldn't people wait in line for hours to buy size 10 shoes? Or settle for the gray matter that passed for meat in the grocery stores? But communism's watered-down cousin, socialism, isn't much better. Ask the Venezuelans who cannot get toilet paper. Toilet paper! ¡Viva la Revolución!

Contrary to what so many who believe in a "living Constitution" say, the Founding Fathers absolutely understood this. That is why the Constitution was set up to limit government power. (Memo to the President: the drafters of the Constitution deliberately didn't say "what government had to do on your behalf." They under this. That is why the Constitution was set up to limit government power. (Memo to the President: the drafters of the Constitution deliberately didn't say "what government had to do on your behalf." They understood that was the path to folly, fear, and famine.)

3.. Obama is deceitful. Just as the collapse of the computer program should not surprise anyone, neither should we be shocked that the President lied about his healthcare plan. Have any of you been paying attention over the past few years? Obama has made no secret of his motivations or his methods. The philosophies which inspire him espouse deceit and other vicious tactics. (Don't take my word for it: read Saul Alinsky.) Obama infamously told reporter Richard Wolffe, "You know, I actually believe my own bullshit." He has refused to be forthcoming about his past (where are his academic records?). His own pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, told author Ed Klein, that Obama said to him, "You know what your problem is? You have to tell the truth." Did Obama lie when he said dozens of times, "If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period!"? Of course he did. That's what he does.

4.. The news media is responsible. Had the media been doing their jobs, we would have known a lot of this much, much earlier. The press is charged with the sacred responsibility of protecting the people from the excesses of government. Our press has been complicit, incompetent, or corrupt. Had they vetted this man in 2008, as they would have another candidate, we would have known far more about him than we do, even now. Had they pressed for more details about Obamacare, Congress' feet would have been held to the fire. Had they done their jobs about Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, NSA spying -- or any of the other myriad betrayals of the public trust that this administration has committed, Obama would likely have lost his 2012 reelection campaign. (A fact that even The Washington Post has tacitly acknowledged. Well done, fellas!)

Instead, they turned a blind eye, even when they knew he was lying, abusing power, disregarding the limits of the Constitution. It was only when he began to spy on them, and when the lies were so blatant that the lowest of low-information voters could figure it out, that they realized they had to report on it. (Yet even in the face of blatant, deliberate and repeated lies, The New York Times has the audacity to tell us that the President "
misspoke.") They have betrayed us, abandoned us, and deceived us.

5.. Ted Cruz was right. So was Sarah Palin. The computer program is a disaster. The insurance exchanges are a disaster. What's left? The healthcare system itself. And this, of necessity, will be a disaster, too. Millions of people already have lost their individual insurance plans. In 2015, millions more will lose their employer-provided coverage (a fact which the Obama administration also knew, and admitted elsewhere). The exorbitant additional costs that Obamacare has foisted on unsuspecting Americans are all part of a plan of wealth confiscation and redistribution. That is bad enough. But it will not end there. When the numbers of people finally enter into the system and the corresponding demand for care vastly exceeds the cost projections (and they will, make no mistake), then the rationing will start. Not only choice at that point, but quality and care itself will go down the tubes. And then will come the decisions made by the Independent Payment Advisory Board about what care will be covered (read "paid for") and what will not.

That's just a death panel, put politely. In fact, progressives are already greasing the wheels for acceptance of that miserable reality as well. They're spreading the lie that it will be about the ability of the dying to refuse unwanted or unhelpful care. Don't fall for that one, either. It will be about the deaths that inevitably result from decisions made by people other than the patients, their families, and their physicians. (Perhaps it's helpful to think of their assurances this way: "If you like your end-of-life care, you can keep your end-of-life-care.")

6.. We are not SUBJECTS. We have tolerated these incursions into our lives and livelihoods too long already. There is no end to the insatiable demand "progressives" have to remake us in their image. Today it is our insurance, our businesses, our doctors, our health care.. Tomorrow some new crusade will be announced that enables them to take over other aspects of our formerly free lives.

I will say it again: WE ARE NOT SUBJECTS. Not only is the Tea Party right on the fiscal issues, but it appears that they are more relevant than ever. We fought a war once to prove we did not want to be the subjects of a king. The Boston Tea Party was just a taste of the larger conflict to come. If some people missed that lesson in history class, we can give them a refresher.

The 2014 elections are a good place to start. Call your representative, your senator, your candidate and tell them: "We are not subjects. You work for us. And if the word "REPEAL" isn't front and center in your campaign, we won't vote for you. Period!"

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Here is what Col. Handley wrote:

This is what cuda, shuda, wuda happened if, we had had CARING, and a real
honest to God leaders as President and Secretary of State.
Colonel Phil "Hands" Handley is credited with the highest speed air-to-air
gun kill in the history of aerial combat.  He flew operationally for all but
11 months of a 26-year career, in aircraft such as the F-86 Sabre, F-15
Eagle, and the C-130A Hercules.  Additionally, he flew 275 combat missions
during two tours in Southeast Asia in the F-4D and F-4E.  His awards include
21 Air Medals, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Silver Star.

Here is what Col. Handley wrote in response to Panetta and Dempsey's claims
there was no time to send help to Benghazi
Betrayal in Benghazi
Phil "Hands" Handley Colonel, USAF (Ret.) The combat code of the US Military
is that we don't abandon our dead or wounded on the battlefield.  In US Air
Force lingo, fighter pilots don't run off and leave their wingmen.  If one
of our own is shot down, still alive and not yet in enemy captivity, we will
either come to get him or die trying.

Among America 's fighting forces, the calm, sure knowledge that such an
irrevocable bond exists is priceless.  Along with individual faith and
personal grit, it is a sacred trust that has often sustained hope in the
face of terribly long odds.

The disgraceful abandonment of our Ambassador and those brave ex-SEAL's who
fought to their deaths to save others in that compound is nothing short of
Additionally, the patently absurd cover-up scenario that was fabricated in
the aftermath was an outright lie in an attempt to shield the President and
the Secretary of State from responsibility.
The White House strategy, with the aid of a "lap dog" press has been to run
out the clock before the truth is forthcoming.

The contention "that there were simply no military assets that could be
brought to bear in time to make a difference" mainly due to the
unavailability of tanker support for fighter aircraft is simply Bull Chit,
regardless how many supposed "experts" the Administration trots out to make
such an assertion.
The bottom line is that even if the closest asset capable of response was
half-way around the world, you don't just sit on your penguin ass and do
The fact is that the closest asset was not half-way around the world, but as
near as Aviano Air Base, Italy where two squadrons of F-16Cs are based.
Consider the following scenario (all times Benghazi local): When Hicks in
Tripoli receives a call at 9:40 PM from Ambassador Stevens informing him
"Greg, we are under attack!" (his last words).  Hicks immediately notifies
all agencies and prepares for the immediate initiation of an existing
"Emergency Response Plan."

At AFRICON, General Carter Ham attempts to mount a rescue effort, but is
told to "stand down". By 10:30 PM an unarmed drone is overhead the compound
and streaming live feed to various "Command and Control Agencies" so
everyone watching that feed knew damn well what was going on.
At 11:30 PM Woods, Doherty and five others leave Tripoli, arriving in
Benghazi at 1:30 AM on Wednesday morning, where they hold off the attacking
mob from the roof of the compound until they are killed by a mortar direct
hit at 4:00 AM.

So nothing could have been done, eh? Nonsense.  If one assumes that tanker
support really "was not available" what about this:
When at 10:00 PM AFRICON alerts the 31st TFW Command Post in Aviano Air
Base, Italy of the attack, the Wing Commander orders preparation for the
launch of two F-16s and advises the Command Post at NAS Sigonella to prepare
for hot pit refueling and quick turn of the jets.

By 11:30 PM, two F-16Cs with drop tanks and each armed with five hundred 20
MM rounds are airborne.  Flying at 0.92 mach they will cover the 522
nautical miles directly to NAS Sigonella in 1.08 hours.  While in-route, the
flight lead is informed of the tactical situation, rules of engagement, and
radio frequencies to use.

The jets depart Sigonella at 1:10 AM with full fuel load and cover the 377
nautical miles directly to Benghazi in 0.8 hours, arriving at 1:50 AM which
would be 20 minutes after the arrival of Woods, Doherty and their team.

Providing that the two F-16s initial pass over the mob, in full afterburner
at 200 feet and 550 knots did not stop the attack in its tracks, a few well
placed strafing runs on targets of opportunity would assuredly do the trick.

Were the F-16s fuel state insufficient to return to Sigonelli after
jettisoning their external drop tanks, they could easily do so at Tripoli
International Airport , only one-half hour away.

As for those hand-wringing naysayers who would worry about IFR clearances,
border crossing authority, collateral damage, landing rights, political
correctness and dozens of other reasons not to act -- screw them. It is time
our "leadership" get its priorities straight and put America 's interests

The end result would be that Woods and Doherty would be alive. Dozens in the
attacking rabble would be rendezvousing with "72 virgins" and a clear
message would have been sent to the next worthless P.O.S. terrorist
contemplating an attack on Americans that it is not really a good idea to
"tug" on Superman's cape.

Of course all this depends upon a Commander In Chief more concerned with
saving the lives of those he put in harm's way than getting his crew rested
for a campaign fund raising event in Las Vegas the next day. It also depends
upon a Secretary of State who actually understood "What difference did it
make?", and a Secretary of Defense who was watching the feed from the drone
and understood what the attack consisted of instead of making an immediate
response that "One of the military tenants is that you don't commit assets
until you fully understand the tactical situation."

YGBSM!( You Gotta Be Chittin' Me)
Ultimately it comes down to the question of who gave that order to stand
down? Whoever that coward turns out to be should be exposed, removed from
office, and face criminal charges for dereliction of duty. The combat forces
of the United States of America deserve leadership that really does "have
their back" when the chips are down.


Monday, May 05, 2014


This appears to be his opinion of the Bengazi murders......

obama-laughing.jpgThis appears to be his opinion of the Benghazi murders......

See below


Thursday, May 01, 2014


Stop whining, Mr. President. And stop whiffing.

 Maureen Dowd

WASHINGTON — Stop whining, Mr. President.
And stop whiffing.
Don’t whinge off the record with columnists and definitely don’t do it at a press conference with another world leader. It is disorienting to everybody, here at home and around the world.
I empathize with you about being thin-skinned. When you hate being criticized, it’s hard to take a giant steaming plate of “you stink” every day, coming from all sides. But you convey the sense that any difference on substance is lèse-majesté.
You simply proclaim what you believe as though you know it to be absolutely true, hoping we recognize the truth of it, and, if we don’t, then we’ve disappointed you again.
Even some of the chatterers who used to be in your corner now make derogatory remarks about your manhood. And that, I know, really gets under your skin because you think they just don’t get your style of coolly keeping your cards to yourself while you play the long game. Besides, how short memories are. You were the Ice Man who ordered up the operation that killed Osama bin Laden.

I also appreciate the fact that it’s harder for you than it was for J.F.K., W. and all those other pols who had their rich daddies and their rich daddies’ rich friends to buy anything they needed and connect them up and smooth the way for them. That gives them a certain nonchalance in the face of opprobrium and difficulty, a luxury that those who propel themselves to the top on their own don’t have.
We understand that it’s frustrating. You’re dealing with some really evil guys and some really nutty pols, and the problems roiling the world now are brutally hard. As the Republican strategist Mike Murphy says, it’s not like the campaign because you have “bigger problems than a will.i.am song can fix.”
But that being said, you are the American president. And the American president should not perpetually use the word “eventually.” And he should not set a tone of resignation with references to this being a relay race and say he’s willing to take “a quarter of a loaf or half a loaf,” and muse that things may not come “to full fruition on your timetable.”
An American president should never say, as you did to the New Yorker editor, David Remnick, about presidents through history: “We’re part of a long-running story. We just try to get our paragraph right.”
Mr. President, I am just trying to get my paragraph right. You need to think bigger.

The Times’s Mark Landler, who traveled with the president on his Asia trip, reported that Obama will try to regain the offensive, including a graduation address at West Point putting his foreign policy in context.
Mr. President, don’t you know that we’re speeched out? It’s not what we need right now.
You should take a lesson from Adam Silver, a nerdy technocrat who, in his first big encounter with a crazed tyrant, managed to make the job of N.B.A. commissioner seem much more powerful than that of president of the United States.

Silver took the gutsy move of banning cretinous Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life, after many people speculated that there was little the N.B.A. chief could do except cave. But Silver realized that even if Sterling tries to fight him in court (and wins) he will look good because he stood up for what was right.
Once you liked to have the stage to yourself, Mr. President, to have the aura of the lone man in the arena, not sharing the spotlight with others.
But now when captured alone in a picture, you seem disconnected and adrift.
What happened to crushing it and swinging for the fences? Where have you gone, Babe Ruth?


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