General comments about the world today

Friday, November 22, 2019


Can't say his name

New post on pastorwardclinton

Can’t Say His Name

by pastorwardclinton
Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, beard and text

Friday, May 10, 2019


Investigating HRC

Investigating HRC

by pastorwardclinton
BARR JUST ANNOUNCED HE IS DOING A FULL ALL OUT INVESTIGATION OF HRC AND HER ROLE IN THE 2016 ELECTION and A FORMAL INVESTIGATION OF THE FBI....Fox News Just put out a 2 min. Blurb and that is all we will get from BARR until folks start getting indicted and arrested....as he does his work as if its Black Ops...
POTUS TRUMP ALSO ANNOUNCED HE HAS INVOKED 100% Presidential EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE that includes no documents to Congress and no witnesses that POTUS deems have worked on anything that has to do with the Executive Branch and that may even include not allowing Mueller to testify.... THE HOUSE GETS NOTHING unless the POTUS DECIDES OTHERWISE...

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Little Gifts of Love’?

Image may contain: 1 person, text
“I just got an email from somebody sending me the latest Donald Trump tweet, and the person sending me the email said, ‘This is uncanny. Is he listening to you today?’ So in the first hour of this program, I made mention of the fact that I love the idea in the Washington Post. They’ve got this very cutting story claiming that White House officials tried to pressure immigration authorities into releasing detained illegal aliens into sanctuary cities...
“...The Washington Post claims it was planned as a way to retaliate against Trump’s political adversaries. But if you read to the eighth and ninth paragraph, the Washington Post admits that it was just a blue-sky idea in a meeting where people were bandying a bunch of things around and nothing ever got proposed. And yet their headline, their headline - and by the way, it’s all over the rest of the media now:
“...’White House Proposed Releasing Immigrant Detainees in Sanctuary Cities, Targeting Political Foes.’ Well, I raised a very obvious question. Why would this be ‘Targeting’ them? Isn’t this what they want? Hasn’t Pelosi called illegal aliens ‘Little Gifts of Love’? And doesn’t San Francisco house a bunch of illegals, happily so, in sanctuary cities? ‘How could this be targeting anybody?’ I said. “Why don’t they welcome them?
“...Why aren’t sanctuary cities calling the White House and saying, ‘Finally, we’re on the same page. We’ll be glad to take them. We will happily take these little gifts of love’? I went through 20 minutes of this pointing out the sheer hypocrisy. “How in the world can this be a bad thing? Sanctuary cities love sanctuary cities. They love themselves. They love illegal immigrants. Pelosi calls ’em ‘Little Gifts of Love.’ How in the hell can flooding sanctuary cities with illegals be ‘targeting political foes’ unless they don’t really want them...?
“Unless this sanctuary city thing is just some bogus construct to fool a bunch of gullible, lunatic leftists who need a continuing reason to hate Donald Trump?”
~ Derek

Monday, October 08, 2018


You are guilty, screw the facts......

 This is so sad, sad is to soft of a word this is unforgivable, any one that would believe the below statement needs their head and heart examined.

WELL, WHAT YEAR DID IT HAPPEN I THINK IT WAS 1980 or 81.... Can you tell us what day of the week this party happened on...I don't know! Well, what time of the day was it, I don't remember but Parties usually are at night... Week-end or during the week....I don't remember... who was there? My best friend Leland and 3 others... How do explain that your best friend and the other good friends you mentioned say they were never at such a PARTY  in fact your very best friend Leland went further and told investigators she has NEVER met now JUSTICE Kavanaugh... can you explain that...I, um I need a break....Ok recess for 30 min...
Mrs Ford how did you get to the party? ...I do not remember... How did you get back home roughly 7 miles away....I UM ASSUME SOMEONE DROVE ME.... In all of AMERICA WITH NUT JOBS SEEKING ATTENTION NOT 1 PERSON HAS COME FORWARD TO SAY I DROVE HER HOME... So let me get this straight you remember nothing at all other then you are 100% certain that it was Kavanauh  that made an attempted Rape.... Yes that is correct.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


This is True Madness

Again nothing surprises me, the extent of the left to side-tract the duly elected president.  This is my comment to a congressman that needs to be voted out and never heard of again!!!!


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